JavaScript Interview Questions that made me think — Do I really know JavaScript? — Part 5

Challenging JavaScript Interview Questions: Testing My JavaScript Knowledge

Photo by Rahul Mishra on Unsplash

“JavaScript: Where ‘null’ is an object, ‘[] + {}’ is not ‘NaN’, and writing code feels like exploring a land of surprises.”

When I first saw these questions, I was like 😢, but when I understood the concept behind each one of them, everything started making sense.

With that said let’s see some interesting questions based on Javascript:

1. What will be logged in console?




Output: true false

Explanation: The arguments object is a special object available in function scopes, and both {} and arguments are constructed using the Object constructor. Therefore, this comparison evaluates to true.

2. What will be logged in console?




Output: 1, 101, 0, 0

Explanation: There are few things which needs to be understood in this question before going to explanation:

1. pop : this method removes element from last index, and returns the removed element.

const arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
console.log(arr.pop()); // logs 5

2. we can increase the length of an array by simple assigning values to index.

const arr = [];

console.log(arr.length); // 0

arr[4] = 1;
console.log(arr.length); // 5

arr[400] = 1;
console.log(arr.length); // 401

3. we can set values agains string keys other than numerical indices

const arr = [];

arr["JS"] = 1; // no effect on length
console.log(arr.length); // logs 0
console.log(arr["JS"]); // logs 1

4. apply : this method is used to call a function whose context is defined by the first argument passed, and it accepts a second argument an array of parameters which is optional.

const obj = {
lang: 'JS'

function show() {

show(); // logs undefined
show.apply(obj); // logs 'JS'

5. arguments : special array like object exist in every function, that is declared using function keyword.

Let’s understand the arguments object in detail:

  1. When a function is invoked in JavaScript, it creates an internal arguments object that holds all the arguments passed to the function. This arguments object behaves similarly to an array in that it has numerical indices and a length property, but it is not a proper array (it's array-like).
  2. arguments object is an array-like object available within the scope of a function that contains the values of the arguments passed to that function.
  3. While the arguments object has some array-like properties, it is not a true array, and it doesn't have access to the array methods like pop, push, etc., that are available on arrays created from the Array.prototype.
  4. However, by using the apply or call method, you can borrow methods from the Array.prototype and use them on the arguments object or any other object.

We can convert arguments into array, to have all methods by this way:

const argsArray =;
// The slice method is called on the Array.prototype object and is provided with the arguments object as its this context. This allows the slice method to operate on the arguments object as if it were an array.

Now let’s get back to our question:

3. What will be logged in console?




Output: 10 1

Explaination: Let’s re-factor the code:

var a = 1;

function toTheMoon() {
var a; // var has function scope, hence it's declaration will be hoisted
if(!a) {
a = 10;
console.log(a); // 10 precendence will be given to local scoped variable.

console.log(a); // 1 refers to the `a` defined at the top.

4. How long will this data will be available?




sessionStorage.setItem("JS", 99991) will be available for as long as the current browser session is active. Once the session ends (e.g., the user closes the tab or browser), the data will be cleared. As a matter of fact it will survive the refresh.

5. What will be logged in console?




Output: true true

Explanation: Both admin and guest object shares same prototype chain defined by User.prototype.attributes

When we are calling admin.attributes.isAdmin , JS engine will try to find the attributes key is admin object, when it doesn’t get any key with this name, it will look for the key in prototype chain.

And guess what, we have a key named attributes in prototype chain of admin object. And hence JS engine will update the attributes key in prototype Object of User .

Due to this reason, when guest object will try to access this property it will also get true.

To fix this, we should use attribute key separatley for each object. we should only use prototypes to share common functionality:

const User = function() {
this.attributes = {
isAdmin: false

const admin = new User();
const guest = new User();

admin.attributes.isAdmin = true;

console.log(admin.attributes.isAdmin); // true
console.log(guest.attributes.isAdmin); // false

And if we to the prototype way, we have to use defineProperty and use getter and setter to enfore the restriction:

function User() {}

Object.defineProperty(User.prototype, "isAdmin", {
get: function() {
return this._attributes.isAdmin;
set: function(value) {
console.error("Cannot directly modify isAdmin property on prototype.");

User.prototype._attributes = {
isAdmin: false

const admin = new User();
const guest = new User();

admin.isAdmin = true; // This will trigger the error message and not actually modify the property

console.log(admin.isAdmin); // false
console.log(guest.isAdmin); // false

6. What will be printed in the console?




Output: 4 16 64

Explanation: ** operator returns the result of raising the first operand to the power of the second operand. It is equivalent to Math.pow(), except it also accepts BigInts as operands.

7. What will be logged in the console?




Output: a1:- 1 a2:- 2

Explanation: In JavaScript, you can create a function using the Function constructor. The Function constructor takes a variable number of string arguments, where each string represents a parameter name, followed by the function body as the last argument. Here's the general syntax:

const functionName = new Function(arg1, arg2, ..., functionBody);

Here’s an example of how you can use the Function constructor to create a simple function:

const add = new Function('a', 'b', 'return a + b;');
console.log(add(2, 3)); // Output: 5

So, in this line,

(new Function('a=2'))();

in the function body we are doing a=2 , this a will be added to the global scope, and hence we get 2 as a result of

console.log('a2:-', a);

8. What will be printed in the console?




Output: false true

Explanation: If you explicitly return a primitive value from a constructor function using the return statement, that return value will be ignored, and the instance (object) will be returned by default.



राहुल मिश्रा
राहुल मिश्रा

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